Human proteome blueprint

High‑Stringency Human Proteome Blueprint Released

Like the draft “shotgun” Human Genome Project of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO), the HPP has now reached a significant decadal milestone of more than 90 percent completion of the Human Proteome that is referred to as the human proteome “parts list.”

High‑Stringency Human Proteome Blueprint Released
High‑Stringency Human Proteome Blueprint Released

Malaria Researchers’ Findings May Have Implications for Preventing Spread of Deadly Disease

ISB researchers and their collaborators are using systems biology approaches to learn how the malaria parasite is able to transfer to humans via the bite of an infected mosquito. The information they have uncovered may help identify new ways to prevent people from contracting the deadly disease.

Malaria Researchers’ Findings May Have Implications for Preventing Spread of Deadly Disease
Malaria Researchers’ Findings May Have Implications for Preventing Spread of Deadly Disease

'Ötzi' the Iceman’s last meal consisted of fat, wild meat, cereals

Members of the Moritz lab, as part of an international consortium centered in Bolzano Italy, reports this week in Cell, “Current Biology”, a multi-omic approach to identify the stomach contents and microbiome of the 5300 year old Mummy, Oetzi, the Iceman from the Oetzal Alps on the Austrian/Italian border.

'Ötzi' the Iceman’s last meal consisted of fat, wild meat, cereals
'Ötzi' the Iceman’s last meal consisted of fat, wild meat, cereals

Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology

ISB, Integrated Diagnostics and Sera Prognostics just announced a paper entitled, “The building blocks of successful translation of proteomics to the clinic,” by Leroy Hood and colleagues published online in Current Opinion in Biotechnology.

Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology
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