
ISB’s proteomics research in the spotlight

Microsoft Research recently deployed a video crew to come to ISB to speak with our researchers about proteomics and sharing peptide data. A story featuring the video was published on the Microsoft Research blog.

Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology

ISB, Integrated Diagnostics and Sera Prognostics just announced a paper entitled, “The building blocks of successful translation of proteomics to the clinic,” by Leroy Hood and colleagues published online in Current Opinion in Biotechnology.

‘A Better Blood Test for Liver Damage’

Chemical & Engineering News highlighted ISB’s recent publication (Identifying Organ-Specific Blood Biomarkers for Acute Liver Injury) in the Journal of Proteome Research. “For many years, clinicians have relied on assays for two enzymes, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), to detect liver injury. These biomarkers have limitations, says Leroy Hood of the Institute for Systems Biology, such as a short half-life and a tendency to underreport damage in certain…